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Employment Law Advice


As a  licensed attorney and former HR executive at a large company, I offer extensive knowledge and expertise on all things HR related.  I know how to create common sense solutions to any workplace problem.  


  • Develop and review employee handbooks and policies

  • Background check policies and practices

  • Pre-employment testing practices 

  • Draft or review employment agreements

  • Discipline and terminations

  • Wage and hour laws

  • Leave laws (FMLA, ADA, state and city leave laws)

  • Develop or review drug testing policies and practices

  • Draft or review Separation and Release Agreements

  • Charges and claims of discrimination

  • Reductions in force and reorganizations

  • Draft/review non-solicitation and non-competition agreements

  • Employer-required fitness for duty exams

  • Social Media and Device Use policies

  • HR recordkeeping policies and practices

  • Crisis response policies and practices

Workplace Investigations

When allegations of harassment, discrimination, bullying, or other types of employee misconduct arise, I can help.  Workplace investigations are best done by a licensed, experienced attorney.  When non-attorney HR staff or others conduct investigations, no attorney-client privilege exists, meaning your business may have to share the information and results with outside agency investigators or turn them over to opponents in litigation. 


I have conducted and overseen hundreds of workplace investigations, and I can help gather the facts so that you can determine the best course of action.  Properly conducted workplace investigations can help to avoid legal claims and send a clear message about doing the right thing when things go wrong.  

Training & Consulting

I can tailor a training presentation or keynote address to your business and industry.   I use a variety of interactive methods and recent case studies to create engaging, fun programs focused on a variety of topics in Employment Law and Management and Supervision of your employees.


Popular programs include Top 10 Employment Laws for Every Manager,  Respectful Workplace Conduct (Harassment Prevention training for management and employees),  Managing the Maze:  FMLA, ADA and Workmens’ Comp, Managers’ Guide to FLSA Compliance, and Understanding FSLA exemptions and independent contracting.


I can help you train and develop all levels of management,  including HR teams, C-suite, supervisors, managers and executives who successfully perform the “business” part of their jobs but could use more training to lead and manage the employees who report to them.


From large group sessions to one-on-one training, I can develop a program that suits your needs. 

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